Salaries and Allowances of Armed Forces Officers

Salaries and Allowances of Armed Forces Officers

निम्न टेबल में सेना में विभिन्न पदों पर मिलने वाले वेतन और allowances  का विवरण है Below is the detailed description of Salaries and Allowances of Armed Forces Officers in India.

Rank in Air Force Rank in Army Rank in Navy Level (Pay in Rs.)
SUB Lieutenant Level 10 56,100 – 1,77,500
Flight Lieutenant Captain Lieutenant Level 10 B 61,300 – 1,93,900
Squadron Leader Major Lieutenant Commander Level 11 69,400 – 2,07,200
Wing Commander Lieutenant
Commander Level 12 A 1,21,200 – 2,12,400
Group Captain Colonel Captain Level 13 1,30,600 – 2,15,900
Air Commodore Brigadier Commodore Level 13A 1,39,600 – 2,17,600
Air Vice Marshal Major
Level 14 1,44,200 – 2,18,200
Air Marshal HAG Scale Lieutenant
HAG Scale
Level 15 1,82,200 – 2,24,100
HAG+Scale Lt Gen
Admiral and Equivalent
Level 16 2,05,400 – 2,24,400
VACS/Airforce Cdr/ Air Marshal (NFSG) VCOAS/
Army Cdr/ Lieutenant General (NFSG)
C-IN-C/ Equivalent
Level 17 2,25,000/- (fixed)
CAS COAS CNS Level 18 2,50,000/- (fixed)


सेना में अफसर को वेतन के अलावा भी कई प्रकार की सुविधाएं मिलती है जैसे allowances , आर्मी कैंटीन से कम दाम में सामान और सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है समाज में सम्मान। Salaries and Allowances of Armed Forces Officers in India

2. Military Service Pay (MSP): An Officer of Army is entitled to get Rs 15,500/- plus DA per month as Military Service Pay (MSP) from the rank of Lieutenant to Brigadier.

3. Cadet Training Stipend: An amount of Rs 56,100/- per month are paid as the stipend to the Gentlemen or Lady cadet during the entire duration of training in academies.

4. Flying Allowance Army Officers: Army Officers serving as Army Aviators (Pilots) in Army Aviation Corps from Lieutenant and above are entitled Flying Pay Allowance Rs 25,000/- per month.

5. Dearness Allowance (DA): All Army Officers are entitled to get DA at the same rates under the same conditions as are applicable from time to time.

6. Kit Maintenance Allowance (KMA)/Clothing Allowance: An amount of Rs 20,000/- per year is paid to officers as Kit Maintenance Allowance (KMA) or Clothing Allowance. Field Area Allowances for Army Officers

7. Highly Active Field Area Allowance (HAFA): All Army Officers posted to HAFA from Level 10 and above are eligible an amount of 16,900/- per month as HAFA Allowance.

8. Field Area Allowance (FAA): All Army Officers Level 10 and above who are posted to FA are eligible to get Rs 10,000/- per month as Field Area Allowance.

9. Modified Field Area Allowance (MFAA): All Army Officers from Level 10 and above who are posted to MFA are entitled to draw an amount of 6,300/- per month as Modified Field Area Allowance.

10. High Altitude Allowance: All Army Officers from Level 10 and above who are posted to area as under are entitled to get High Altitude Allowance as under:- (a) HAA Category I – Rs 3,400/- per month. (b) HAA Category II – Rs 5,300/- per month. (c) HAA Category III – Rs 25,000/- per month

11. Siachen Glacier Allowance: All Army Officers posted in Siachen are eligible to get Rs 42,500/- per month as Siachen Glacier Allowance

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